在2020年前, 全球四大會計師行EY管理高層表示 ,人工智能會削減聘請50%核數和會計系的畢業生。與此同時, 根據2017年Fortune財富雜誌, BlackRock (華爾街最大的資產管理公司) 及最大的對沖基金創辦人Ray Dalio正以機械人取代股票交易員, 預計在2025前, 金融業將會以電腦取代10%的人手, 意味着230000名員工將會失業。
由全球四大會計師行, 以至乎華爾街的股票經紀˴基金經理等傳統的專業, 正在被人工智能(AI)取代而削減人手, 究竟我們的孩子現在要必備哪些技能, 才能避免被人工智能及同業者淘汰呢?
要讓我們的孩子比人工智能和競爭對手更優秀, 其中一項必備的智能是創作力。
根據2010年IBM訪問全球1500名C.E.O., 他們皆同意創意是成功的關鍵, 創意能讓他們和團隊想出新的解難方法, 應赴每日萬變的世界市場˴ 新資訊, 以及不停改變喜好的顧客。事實上, 著名的企業及政府, 如American Express ˴ 匯豐銀行 ˴ Intel和美國海軍, 亦曾聘請美術教育家, 培訓其團隊, 指導員工創意與設計思維, 提升全腦思考訓練。
事實上, 有很多醫學及心理學研究皆支持學習美術是一個有效的訓練, 不但能提升職場上必需具備的創意, 也能增強我們孩子腦部的認知力 ˴ 想像力 ˴ 立體空間推理, 從而提升他們的學業成績。而根據(M.I.T.) 美國麻省理工大學 (全球排行第一的頂尖大學) 的網頁, 學校皆鼓吹學生需結合其學術專長 ˴ 知識和創意, 並主張其科學 ˴工程系和其他科目的研究生需要參與創意美藝活動。英國劍橋大學也主張美術教育是十分重要的, 並指出現今的金融和商業僱主較喜歡聘請曾兼受藝術訓練的畢業生, 認為他們更具創意˴ 自信, 而且對掌握新崗位更優勝, 連蘋果創辦人Steve Jobs也同意他的產品成功, 絕非因為聘請只專長電腦˴ 數理的員工, 而是他所聘請的團隊是一群着迷於科技的藝術家和音樂家, 故此, 美術教育對我們孩子的智能和事業是確切地必要的。
就我而言, 美術並非單單是描繪一個物件神似與否, 更重要的是, 美術是應該恰當地引導我們的孩子去思想, 發揮創意, 發掘別人没有察覺的「不可能」, 讓他們把自己對周遭的事物˴ 他人和「我是什麼?」的奇想˴ 感受˴ 觀點˴ 想像˴ 童心, 表達在畫紙上, 以及其立體作品中。
我們公司希望能發掘我們孩子的創意, 鼓舞他們的潛質與獨特之處, 成就他們未年的大夢想。
Why Art?
Graduate recruitment at auditors and accountants could fall by as much as 50% by 2020 due to the impact of artificial intelligence, according to a top executive of "Big Four" accountant EY. (Oscar, 2016)
Meanwhile, BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager in Wall Street, laid off human stock-pickers and replaced them with robots. Meanwhile, the founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Ray Dalio, has been investing in AI technology related to trading. By 2025, financial institutions will replace their human force by 10% with computers, resulting 230000 fewer employees. (Lucinda, 2017)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually replacing our traditional professionals at the present. How can our children immune from the eliminations by AI and their co-workers, surviving in the ongoing competitive occupational markets?
Creativity is one of the most career-securing skills to our children. In 2010, I.B.M. conducted interviews with the world's top 1500 C.E.O. Asked about the most crucial skills for handling highly volatile markets and rapidly evolving customer preferences, all the tycoons agreed creativity plays a pivotal role in our future success (IBM, 2010).
Likewise, government and renowned enterprises, for instance American Express, HSBC, Intel and the U.S. Navy, have hired art educators to provide training to their teams. By means of art programs, they aim to foster the teams’ whole-brain creativity, innovation coaching and design thinking (Linda, 1999-2017).
Indeed, in numerous medical and psychological researches, art training benefit considerably to our children. This discipline improves spatial reasoning (Rauscher, Shaw, Levine, Wright, Dennis & Newcombe, 1997), strengthens cognitive functions (Angel, 2014), and leads to an increased in academic performance (Catterall, 1998). Even M.I.T., the world’s top one university, celebrates the combination of expertise, knowledge and creativity, no matter what the research fields are. It advocates its science and engineering researchers participating in creative arts (Mary, 1993). Cambridge University, another elite university, also supports this education perspective. It points out arts students are highly demanded by the employers in financial and business sectors, and Steve Jobs agrees his Apple success is the result of his hiring artists and musicians fascinated by technology rather than computer geeks (Cambridge, 2017). Consequently, art education can benefit significantly to our children’s intelligence and future career.
In my definition, art-and-craft education is not merely about how to depict the subject's exterior realistically enough. Conversely, it should be about how to properly guide our children more open to new possibilities and think out-of-the-box. They should be encouraged to actualize their inner voices, creativity, ideas and imagination about the surroundings, Others and 'Who am I?' to their works— through their own perception and innocence.
Through our Vancouver's art classes, our company sincerely strives to discover every child’s creativity, enabling their uniqueness and potential to develop their own excellence in their future.
Program Director
Miss Wong
Angel, D. (2014). Expressive Art Therapies in Geriatric Neurology. Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118730676.ch26/summary
Cambridge Assessment (2017). Celebrating the arts - 5 reasons to study creative subjects. Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeassessment.org.uk/insights/celebrating-the-arts-five-reasons-to-study-creative-subjects/
Catterall, J . (1998). Does experience in the arts boost academic achievement? Art Education, 51(3), 6-11.
Csikszentmihalyi, M . (1997). Assessing aesthetic education. Grant makers in the Arts, 8(1), 22-26.
IBM 2010 Global CEO Study: Creativity Selected as Most Crucial Factor for Future Success (2010). Retrieved from http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/31670.wss
Linda, N. (1999-2017). Creativity at Work. Retrieved from https://www.creativityatwork.com/about/linda-naiman/
Lucinda, S. (2017). Robots Are Replacing Humans At All These Wall Street Firms. Retrieved from
Mary, H. (1993). Vest-Art enhances creativity for all at MIT. Retrieved from http://news.mit.edu/1993/arts-vest-0210
Oscar, W. (2016). AI could destroy hiring in one of the biggest industries for graduates. Retrieved from http://uk.businessinsider.com/ai-could-reduce-graduate-hiring-at-big-four-accountants-by-50-2016-5